Bobby Pickles' Podcast™️ (POLITICS, BUSINESS, TRUE CRIME)

Kristin M. Davis, (from a different “Sex and the City”), has said that her life is like a lifetime move. A serial entrepreneur and businesswoman with a mind for numbers, and a California gal by birth, Davis attended St Mary’s College in San Francisco, studying business with a masters in psychology. Davis worked for and excelled at controlling hedge funds in California and then in NYC, where she relocated. After Davis’ financial career came to an end, she started a high-end prostitution ring, servicing up to 10,000 clients, including former NY Governor Elliot Spitzer, A. Rod, David Beckham, and Wall Street bankers from various firms, such as, Goldman Sachs. At its height, her escort service held a roster of more than 100 women, spanning locations in D.C., L.A., NYC, Boston, Philly, and a call center in Argentina. Her involvement in the pimp game made her famous, and the tabloids coined her the “Manhattan Madam”. Davis was a libertarian Gubernatorial candidate in the State of NY in 2010, advocating for various social issues, such as decriminalizing prostitution, marijuana, and gay marriage. Davis is a very close friend and associate of Roger Stone, and was subsequently subpoenaed to testify in front of the Mueller Grand Jury, as well. A recent transplant to Sunny South Florida, Davis stopped by the Sweatshop to wax philosophically with Bobby Pickles about life. Enjoy the show!


#BobbyPicklesPodcast #ManhattanMadam #MILF #RogerStoneDidNothingWrong #PardonRogerStone

Direct download: BPP133.mp3
Category:POLITICS, BUSINESS, TRUE CRIME -- posted at: 10:46pm EST