Bobby Pickles' Podcast™️

On this final episode of 2019, Pickles holds a roundtable discussion with local political candidates Michael Vilardi (Congressional Candidate for FL Dist. 21) and Sayd Hussain (Candidate for FL State Representative, Dist. 91). Ed Lynch Co-Hosts.

Direct download: BPP125.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Pickles speaks with KENNY BOTTONE — Sovereign American National.

Direct download: BPP124.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

I was out supporting Roger Stone on Tuesday, December 17th 2019 at our local Pro-Impeachment (of President Donald J. Trump) Rally, which was held at 5pm outside of the South F L.A. offices of Senator Rick Scott. While I am not fond of how I acted at some moments herein, the footage is raw, and most importantly, entertaining.

#DonaldTrumpDidNothingWrong #PardonRogerStone

Direct download: BPP123.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Angelo Caruso, owner at CARUSO DANCESPORT in North Palm Beach, drops by the SweatShop to discuss business, but on this crisp, December morning in Sunny South Florida, Bobby has plans for a sporadic Podcast. The two end up discussing life, love, politics, and DanceSport.

If you’re in Sunny South Florida, you can sign up for Private or Group Classes by clicking the link below:

Direct download: BPP122_-_ANGELO_CARUSO.mp3
Category:dance -- posted at: 5:24pm EST

On this off-the-cuff episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️, Pickles begins podcasting abruptly with a customer who just walks in off the street to inquire about custom t-shirts for his brand: CLUB FEARLESS — a squad of Fear Conquerors, hellbent on checking off a very unique “Bucket List”. Founded by AUTHOR, FILMMAKER, ADVENTURER, FORMER U.S. ARMY RANGER, SCOTT GOODKNIGHT, CLUB FEARLESS is a group devoted to facing and conquering their greatest fears. Anyone can become a member, as long as they complete one test from The Official CLUB FEARLESS List. If a member completes 13 tests from The Official List, said member will earn the most prestigious patch within the organization — the “Skull and Bones" patch! Scott is also working on a film, “The Fearless Documentary” — stories of personal experience with some of the most fearless people on earth. He’s also working on a book. He’s a Go-Getter! Sign up Today for CLUB FEARLESS! GO FOR A SHORT STROLL ON GLASS OR HOT COALS, GET NAKED AT A NUDE BEACH, JUMP OUT OF A PLANE, THROW A LIVE GRENADE, GO SWIMMING WITH SHARKS — YOU LIVE EVERY DAY BUT YOU ONLY DIE ONCE! WWW.CLUBFEARLESS.US 

Direct download: Pickles_11___BTMX03.mp3
Category:ADVENTURE -- posted at: 8:11pm EST

Pickles and his crew of black and mulatto misfits challenge the notion of “multi-cultural white supremacy” while podcasting from Amway Center prior to Trump’s re-election rally in Orlando, Florida. Bobby interviews right wing personalities: MIKE NIFICENT (YouTuber), MAURICE SYMONETTE (Founder, Blacks For Trump), JOE BIGGS (News Personality), ENRIQUE TARRIO (Chairman, Proud Boys), MILLIE WEAVER (Reporter,, and JOHN C. MORGAN (Bush/Trump Impersonator), all while peddling merch, on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.

Direct download: BPP120.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41pm EST

Pickles sweats profusely while interviewing Tommy Floyd of SYSTEMA FLOYD and “Rob” of the viral Instagram channel @McDojoLife (as mentioned on The Joe Rogan Experience) LIVE From The Sweatshop!!! They try (emphasizing “try”) to have an open discussion about video context in relation to no contact punches and demos throughout the Martial Arts world. A little bit of headway may have been reached on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.

Direct download: BPP119-MCDOJOLIFE.mp3
Category:MARTIAL ARTS -- posted at: 8:00am EST

Pickles and Pizza are back in the backyard of Roger Stone’s Sunny South Florida Home, this time “post-FBI-raid” — accompanied by D3L Star (our “humble” Producer), and Rey Perez (of “The Rey Perez Show”). After manging on Signore Stone’s homemade Sunday gravy and ziti, the crew sits down to smoke stogies and powwow over the parameters of RS’s “gag order”, his upcoming trial/Obama appointed judge, McCabe and Rosenstein’s lame attempt at a silent coup d'état circa the 25th Amendment, the senate finding zero evidence of Russian Collusion, and much more, with the boys on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.

Direct download: BPP-118-ROGER-STONE-2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

Pickles and Pizza podcast from the SweatShop with Conservative Journalist/Activist, Laura Loomer, who has recently been de-platformed from most major social media platforms, including, Twitter and PayPal. Laura is the creator of #Loomered (Verb) an act of gonzo journalism whereby the reporter surprises the subject of a news story on camera with a question that the public wants answered but the mainstream media refuses to ask. Loomer discusses her humble beginnings at Project Veritas, the Tweet to Ilhan Omar, which lead to her Twitter ban, and the stories behind her latest wall-scaling stunts (one of which, involves a pop-up fiesta and the deportation of her and a small crew of Mexican/Guatemalan undocumented workers from Nancy Pelosi’s private property), with the boys on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.

Direct download: BPP117_LAURA-LOOMER.mp3
Category:POLITICS, SOCIAL MEDIA -- posted at: 6:05pm EST

Pickles and Pizza podcast from the SweatShop with fellow Palm Beacher, Edward Lynch (Entrepreneur, Politician, Athlete). Ed is a Managing Partner at The Everglades Group, providing the following services: General Contracting, Architecture, Real Estate. Ed lives a Forest Gump-esque life, riding the wave of the universe by the seat of his pants — racing cars, running for Congress, playing for The Patriots. Ed gives great business advice, and shares his unique worldview, with the boys on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.


#BobbyPicklesPodcast #BobbyPickles #EdwardLynch #TheEvergladesGroup #Podcast #Podcasting #FATENZO #PalmBeach #WestPalmBeach #SunnySouthFlorida #MADEinaSWEATSHOPintheUSA #YOSOYGRINGO #4GxG #POYB

Category:Business -- posted at: 7:19am EST

Pickles and Pizza conduct this 115th Episode of Bobby Pickles’ Podcast with Full Stomachs ON-LOCATION from the Sunny South Florida Home of Infamous Political Consultant and Trump Confidant, ROGER STONE (just a few days prior to Stone being indicted by Mueller and swat-teamed by FBI at that same very home) — Roger is most definitely a Stone, which Does Not Sink! Even Under the Epic Pressures of Robert Mueller and The Deep State.

The following conversation covers various subject matters, including, but not limited to: Miami Herald Staff Writer, Carl Hiaasen, an anti-job leftist who constantly attacks the sugar industry in this State of Florida; CT Politics and Common Ancestry; The NFL Scandal the President should be Tweeting About; Starting out as a Tradition Conservative and Evolving into a Libertarian, i.e. “If You Are Not a Conservative at 25, You Have No Brain. If You Are Not a Liberal at 35 You Have No Heart”; The Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater; Black, Manafort, Stone, and Atwater; HUEY LONG, Trump, and Populism happening on both the Left and the Right; and, The Vanishing American Dream.

Censorship of the Internet is the #1 Takeaway!

#RogerStone #MAGA #Trump2020

Category:Politics -- posted at: 5:50am EST

On this 14th day of the Government Shutdown, Pickles and Pizza (and D3L) are Podcasting from Sunny South Florida with a brand new episode, featuring Eddy Shipek aka “MR. SUNSHINE” — an Entrepreneur (Locksmith/Realtor), Live Video Social Media Guru, and Palm Beacher with a plethora of knowledge about Local History, an eye for fashion, and always emanating a positive aura.

The following conversation covers various subject matters, including, but not limited to: Stylin’ and Profilin’, Motorcycle Outfits, Crazy Locksmith Stories, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach Life & Fashion, the Constitutional Necessities of the Electoral College, Patreon, (who defines “Hate Speech”?), Kanye’s Tweets and “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren Announcing Her Potential Run for POTUS.

This episode was produced by D3L at West Palm Beatz. 

#MotorcycleOutfits #SunnySouthFlorida #PalmBeachStyle #PalmBeachFashion #KanyeWest #POYB #Podcast #BobbyPickles #TheRealMisterPickles #NotKidding #4GxG #MADEinaSWEATSHOPintheUSA

Direct download: Pickles_podcast_Ep_3___BTMX03.mp3
Category:Business, Politics -- posted at: 12:00pm EST