Bobby Pickles' Podcast™️ (Business, Politics)

On this 14th day of the Government Shutdown, Pickles and Pizza (and D3L) are Podcasting from Sunny South Florida with a brand new episode, featuring Eddy Shipek aka “MR. SUNSHINE” — an Entrepreneur (Locksmith/Realtor), Live Video Social Media Guru, and Palm Beacher with a plethora of knowledge about Local History, an eye for fashion, and always emanating a positive aura.

The following conversation covers various subject matters, including, but not limited to: Stylin’ and Profilin’, Motorcycle Outfits, Crazy Locksmith Stories, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach Life & Fashion, the Constitutional Necessities of the Electoral College, Patreon, (who defines “Hate Speech”?), Kanye’s Tweets and “Pocahontas” Elizabeth Warren Announcing Her Potential Run for POTUS.

This episode was produced by D3L at West Palm Beatz. 

#MotorcycleOutfits #SunnySouthFlorida #PalmBeachStyle #PalmBeachFashion #KanyeWest #POYB #Podcast #BobbyPickles #TheRealMisterPickles #NotKidding #4GxG #MADEinaSWEATSHOPintheUSA

Direct download: Pickles_podcast_Ep_3___BTMX03.mp3
Category:Business, Politics -- posted at: 12:00pm EST