Bobby Pickles' Podcast™️

Pickles and Pizza are back in the backyard of Roger Stone’s Sunny South Florida Home, this time “post-FBI-raid” — accompanied by D3L Star (our “humble” Producer), and Rey Perez (of “The Rey Perez Show”). After manging on Signore Stone’s homemade Sunday gravy and ziti, the crew sits down to smoke stogies and powwow over the parameters of RS’s “gag order”, his upcoming trial/Obama appointed judge, McCabe and Rosenstein’s lame attempt at a silent coup d'état circa the 25th Amendment, the senate finding zero evidence of Russian Collusion, and much more, with the boys on this episode of BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️.

Direct download: BPP-118-ROGER-STONE-2.mp3
Category:Politics -- posted at: 9:53pm EST