Bobby Pickles' Podcast™️

Michale Graves (not the architect, The Horror Punk) is on the podcast tonight. Michale is famous for being the lead singer of The Fucking Misfits during their 90’s era. He was a young 19 year old tenor when he was selected by Jerry Only to lead the famous, Lodi, NJ, historically baritone-driven band, between the years of 1995-2000 (leaving briefly in 98’ to attend hockey camp in Canada). He was in other notable bands throughout his career, but what I’m fascinated by is the fact that Michale was a “conservative punk” before punk rock conservatism was even a thing. He’s on record professing punk rock conservatism back in the day, on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Today, Michale Graves is just as open about his conservatism, having been super vocal about his affiliation with The Proud Boys, a move he’s taken a lot of flack for — and I have the utmost respect for him because of that leadership quality, that openness, that confidence, that courage. 

Direct download: BPP169.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST