Tue, 13 July 2021
INTRO POEM: Welcome to the Team, you’re in the MAGA scene, at last This ani’t no magazine, it’s a podcast Streaming with a Black Queen, not a typecast I know I’m fast, but my interviewee may be faster Mastering the art of the toast, while roasting Ribs and Karens, those stupid bastards Inspiring laughter on every coast, challenging these kids’ religion like a pastor Tonight’s co-host boasts thousands of votes, views, likes, shares, and highly sought after That’s why I find it necessary to spit a rhyme or two or three about a red-pilled lady in hospitality, working at a brewery Some say this beautifully big breasted Brooha is practicing sorcery But historically, Seeing the hypocrisy of the left gave her radical honesty A tattooed Patriot with that California flavor Raging on BLM, Crossing Commies like the savior, And speaking like a sailor, while looking like the Mayor of San Francisco I have “Proud Boy” tattooed in sailor jerry font above my tits, bro Will you cater to me now that you know I’m a PB? Or will you walk away, and pray, for an alternate reality? My guest on this Tuesday evening livestream is Jennifer Eon aka “RedPill Rage”, historian, political educator, and Conservative party girl! She uses comedy and detailed research to change liberal hearts. And she fully supports patriotic Americans of all backgrounds and walks-of-life. Sit back, relax, and prepare to be red-pilled! Welcome to Episode 194 of Bobby Pickles’ Podcast! ©️2021 Bobby Pickles’ Podcast™️ |